Monday, May 24, 2010

Saying goodbye to diapers....

Bittersweet joys....My youngest, Niah went the whole weekend with big girl undies. So happy that I wont have to buy diapers (or change them hehe) but at the same time facing the realization that my baby is becoming a BIG girl (sigh). She will be starting pre-k in July and boy does it feel good to no longer have the daycare bill hanging over my head weekly! After having had 4 babies in 5 years, I am happy to be going into a different stage of mommyhood. There was a point when I had 2 in diapers and 1 in pull-ups, wow thats alot of work! Soon I will be the mommy of a 2nd grader, a 1st grader, a pre-k 4'er and a pre-k 3'er. So begins their academic journey. I pray that the Lord blesses them with nothing but accolades when it comes to school. I hope they have a thirst to learn that is insatiable. The thought of them graduating from high school really puts butterflies in my stomach. I look forward to enjoying all these wonderful years watching them continue to become smart, wise, and respectable people. Gosh I am already so proud of them all, I definitely wont have enough room on my walls for all their beautiful pictures, school and sport awards, art projects....seriously they are my treasure and I thank the Lord everyday for gracing me!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


There are so many ways I could describe myself. I am calm, serene, spiritual, simple. I love to study people and the way we build relationships with one another. I am a daughter, sister, mom, wife, friend. Each of these roles defines my existence.

God has blessed me in countless ways in my life. I am lucky to have two amazing hardworking humble loving parents, they are my foundation, my pillars, they are my roots. I never forget my roots despite my growth. To understand me and to love me, you have to know and respect this.

Seven years ago, the Lord graced my life with the most beautiful gift of all--mommyhood. I am the proud, glowing, head over heels in love mami of four precious children. They are my world, they are my energy, they are my strength, they drive me and give my life purpose.

Dominique, my big boy, my charming prince, the smartest sweetest kindest little 1st grader in the universe.

Destiny, my little diva, my gorgeous big girl, the noblest trendiest most selfless 5 year old you will ever meet.

Noah, my baby boy, my sweetheart, the warmest most tender and gentle little lovebug.

Niah, my lil yaya bear, my princess, the prettiest most caring selfless and delicate baby girl.

So many people ask me how I do it, how I work full time and raise 4 kiddies under the age of 7? In all honesty, it comes naturally. They are my balance in life and adoring them is easy.