Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

Another long weekend has come and was gorgeous and we enjoyed the outdoors. Sunday we spent the day at Point Pleasant beach with the kids and Les' sister Yali, our niece Jailene, and John. It was a busy day in the jersey shore and the sun was burning hot (I have an uneven tan all over my back and my front is still pale, lol). Monday we took the kids to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. They had fun learning about immigrants and looking up their last names to try and trace back their roots. I always find myself in a trance when I go there. I start thinking about this country and how paramount immigration has been to it. Being an immigrant myself this topic really hits home. Hearing from these people who said it was either risk it all and come to the US or starve to death or have their children be shot in wars makes me think that the whole issue of foreigners in the US is so multi-faceted. It really bothers me when ignorant people say they do not support illegal immigrants in this country. Have they ever sat down to think that these people are choosing a better, freer life for their families. That so many of them come here ready to work with blood, sweat, and tears for the opportunities the US can offer? If illegal immigrants are not welcomed I never would have been able to come here and work hard for the chance to live a good life. Not every immigrant is here to cause harm, they are running from harm most times. I guess people are going to have their perspective and I have to respect it, but I think many of them look at the issue from the surface and not from the heart. I will raise my children to know that my parents busted their behinds to come to this country and because of that decision they were born into much better circumstances then countless other children who are starving to death in our countries.

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